The Slave Trade Act, 1788 was passed and controlled the number of captives a ship was permitted to carry, according to its weight.ĭolben's Act also ordered all slave ships to carry a doctor who had to keep records about the enslaved Africans on board. The Middle Passage was the next phase of the. He described horrors of enslaved people chained hand and foot, stowed like herrings in a barrel and stricken with putrid and fatal disorders. Conditions In The Middle Passage African Diaspora Experience During The Transatlantic Slave Trades. In 1788 British MP William Dolben put forward a bill to regulate conditions on board slave ships. It is estimated that 15–16 per cent of enslaved people died on the Middle Passage. The death rate among the enslaved people however, was horrific. Sickness on board a slave ship would often spread to the crew as well, killing many. In this video, we will highlight what the Middle Passage was, as well. Some enslaved people chose to take their own lives, sometimes by throwing themselves overboard, rather than endure such brutal treatment. Hello my amazing students The Middle Passage was an important part of the slave trade. The voyage from Africa to the New World of the Americas was called the Middle Passage.Any resistance was dealt with harshly by floggings from the crew. Enslaved people were sometimes forced to dance on deck for an hour a day to keep them fit.The crew's treatment of enslaved people was often horrific – women could be subject to rape.With the voices of several white men, the poet narrates to readers the goings-on on the referenced slave ships. Enslaved people who became sick were often denied food and left to die. Summary ‘Middle Passage ‘ by Robert Hayden is a poem narrating the experiences of both whites and blacks involved in the Atlantic Slave Trade.The crowded and unsanitary conditions on slave ships, explored in the third chapter of this thesis, debilitated large numbers of people. African people were often unable to digest the food carried by the European crew, making the sickness worse. journey into slavery, a multi-year Long Middle Passage that dwarfed the ten-week ocean voyage that has been the focus of so much scholarly attention to date.

Aside from the heat and the foul air, there could be so little oxygen that a candle would not burn. The state of the hold would quickly become unbearable – dark, stuffy and stinking.If a slave died, the body could remain in the hold for hours, still chained to other living people. Enslaved people were all chained together.Enslaved people were unable to go to the toilet and had to lie in their own filth. The conditions for enslaved Africans crossing the Atlantic Ocean in the Middle Passage were brutal and deadly.Enslaved people were chained and movement was restricted.More enslaved people survived the voyage, so less money was lost. Loose pack - fewer enslaved people were loaded, giving them more space to lie out. People were loaded in so close together that one captain described them as being 'like books on a shelf'. A ship’s hold was cramped - only five feet high, with a shelf running round the edge to carry yet more enslaved people. It was expected that some would die but a large number would survive the voyage. Tight pack - this method involved packing as many enslaved people into the hold as possible.