To keep it simple we’ll insert 3 documents into a demoCollection. Note: If have collection you can skip but we’ll create collection so you can see order they were inserted. We will use the sort() method for the order by operations and define the parameter date field name and direction to retrieve the documents either in ascending or descending order. We will show both a sort from most recent to oldest and also oldest to most recent. In this topic, we will learn to find the documents in order by date field using python. Read: MongoDB group by multiple fields MongoDB order by date using python

We have successfully returned all the documents in descending order as per the date field. MongoDB compass order by date in descending Here, we have applied the limit() method to limit the number of records and by using the sort() method order by date field (releaseDate) in descending order (-1). Syntax: db.collection_name.find().sort( ) In mongosh, we will use the cursor.sort() instead. Note that, starting MongoDB version 3.2, the $orderby operator is deprecated in mongosh. Thank you for your time and if you have any feedback or questions do not hesitate to reach out to us.In MongoDB, the $orderby operator sorts the result of a query in ascending or descending order.
We hope this tutorial was able to answer your question about how to sort by the order inserted or maybe provide you the snippet of code that you were looking for. If you’d like to learn more about other sort options, the MongoDB documentations is fairly straightforward and can answer many of your questions. Think of all the sites you see where when you click on the created date column header it changes between sorting from newest to oldest and oldest to newest. We also showed you how to do the inverse sort of newest to oldest. With the help of the group and sort operator, MongoDB can also sort the grouped data in ascending or descending order. In this tutorial we showed you how to sort a collection by the natural order which means oldest to newest. To learn more about the sorting and natural order we suggest you look up the MongoDB documentation directly or you can always reach out to an expert at Object Rocket to discuss your specific application. Order is important so this is the order we insert Alfred, Brielle, then Collin.

We will show both a sort from most recent to oldest and also oldest to most recent. Our goal for this tutorial is to create a demoCollection in our demoDatabase and then sort the data by the order each document was inserted. We always like to start out with an explicit goal to make sure we hit our mark by the end of the tutorial. Some command line experience is recommended.It’s recommended that you create a database and collection to experiment with as you follow along.